Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Illegals a letter from Arnold

Donald Trump is correct about the illegals> this is much clearer in 2015 then it was on
Oct 29th 2008 2:26pm  governor@gov,ca,gov a Letter From formed Governor Arnold schwarzenegger
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me about illegal immigration.  I always appreciate hearing from fellow Californians on issues that are important to them.
As an immigrant I can identify with the desire to come to this country.  While I was growing up I had a dream to come to America.  Since then I have seen first hand a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws-is the most generous nation in the world.  But our generosity cannot come at the expense of the American People or the Security of Our International Borders.
The Federal Goverment's failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform is a reality we face everyday in our schools,workplaces and hospitals.  We can no longer ignore this issueor try to solve the problem at the margins.  We need federal action that secures our borders, protects taxpayers and creates foward looking policy to meet the labor needs of our economy.
To address the Problem I committed over 2000 Calif National Guard Troops to secure our borders June 2006.   These Troops -as part of the Homeland Security Operation Jump Start-performed a critical mission while thousands of new federal agents were recuited and tactile infrastructure and detection technology along the Border was improved.  Working with federal agents our Calif national guard has been instrumental in seizing 250,000 pounds of narcotics and apprehending 124,000 undocumented immigrants.  These combined efforts have had tremendous success in reducing illegal border crossings and limiting the influx of narcotics and human trafficking in California.
We spend over $728 million on upkeep of the illegals in our jails.
Immigrarion is an important issue that affects California I thank you for writing.  I truely appreciate your commitment to the future of our Golden State.

My response same day Oct 29th 6:32 pm
I sent that to Daine Feinstein, Barbara Boxer as immigrant from Singapore I am glad to be home in Singapore..I feel bad that your hands are tied by those 2 bleeding Liberals ..if Obama wins God Help us All
 Guess Donald Trump is Correct and 30% unmanipulated number agrees with him since Bush the Ilegals  have been running across the Border ILLEGALY BUT NEVER SO BLATANTLY AS UNDER 2nd Term Bleed Out Foodstamp Pres...He has embraced 11 million NEW ILLEGALS FROM ALL OVER SOUTH AMERICA AND ELSEWHERE...IF YOU CAN ENTER ILLEGALLY WHY WOULD YOU BOTHER COMING IN LEGALLY?  IN MY COUNTRY SINGAPORE THERE ARE NO ILLEGALS HERE IN THE BORDER STATES THEY ARE THE MAJORITY in Calif the Hit and actually Run accidents are too many to count it has become a 3rd World Country> when you enter Oklahoma City with Calif License Plates you will be stopped as many have been bring drugs across state lines...the ILLEGALS are recieving monies for their children $1300 per child and this goes right back to the Catholic Church who is really increasing starvation and parasiting...also foodstamps at $330 per month and Cash on Foodstamps at $500 per month.  The US with the Real Unemployment number about 39% as the Gallup Poll will show Obama is a Master Manipulator and has the Media under his control >GALLUP POLLING CEO: White House’s Unemployment Rate Is A “Big Lie”http://t.co/KU3D5mfBDG

So for example you have Venice High School whose majority is the illegal children there are 2 or more Cop Cars Parked Outside everyday there is school and the Pregnant 15 year old girls wear it like a Badge of Pride...Wow the USA has gone from Pristine to Illegal Hellhole the standard of education has now dropped to 24th in the world...the ILLEGAL REFUSE TO ASSIMILATE TO THE US CULTURE THEY HAVE THEIR OWN BUILT ON SEX WITH MULTIPLE PARTERS PRODUCING AND NEW GENERATION OF GANGBANGERS AND ILLITERATES.  THE BEACHES ARE FILTHY as their hygine is really putting babies into stagnant water...when you go to the DMV if you are not Hispanic and Caucasian you are the Last Unicorn..they refuse to learn English and in Georgia after Obama destroyed the economy for Rug Production they Ripped the Air Conditioners which they did not own Out of the Wall in their Rented Apartments and took them to Texas where they had Work...really a very Baised Culture and if  all of South America to Move to the USA  it would Sink....So the Diseases in the Camps on the Border are Rampant >Meningitis,Small Pox,Measles,Ebola,Scabies.....  the Medical Worker report in Denver Colorado that 1500 are shipped out each day and 1700 return...POTUS IS NOT GIVING A GREEN LIGHT FOR ALL ILLEGALS TO COME AND THESE ARE PICS OF THEM ...REALLY DID ANYONE SIGN UP TO LIVE IN A 3RD WORLD ILLEGAL HELLHOLE

2nd Term Bleed Out Foodstamp Pres

Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce
‪#‎Layoffs‬ ‪#‎Unemployment‬ ‪#‎Economy‬ ‪#‎Jobs‬ ‪#‎Recovery‬ ‪#‎Share‬

1) DESTROY ECONOMY 2nd Term Bleed Out has spent $18 trillion and the Real Unemployment and Foodstamp number is 37% in Ca
The Real Obama Economy http://t.co/wKsEfB2CpL

37.2%: Percentage Not in Labor Force Remains at 36-Year High | CNS Newshttp://t.co/hdq4PIZgUq
So with the economy alone 2nd Term Bleed Out has done a huge destruction of Small Businesses and Taxing everyone including the middle class and Poor...Not to mention Obamacare which is a Tax and has killed Veterans who were waiting for healthcare plus the 4% tax on capital gains on real
estate sales...and will fine you if you do not have Healthcare taking your freedom away> this is Dictator who was brought in the USA and with a forged birth certificate which is easy to do in 3rd World Hawaii by his sister who has taken credit and regretted it ...Also his Boss Vallerie Jarrett who is a Chicago Slumblord and most corrupt Politican married once to the Owner of the Chicago Times>Vallerie was the one that ordered the Stand Back in Bengahzi illegally as she did not have the power> where 4 Americans were killed because 2 missiles were missing>#Criminals in the White House and also his Thug Eric Holder that will harass Conservative businesses for No Reason...Also sent the IRS to audit many Conservatives inclusing Dr Ben Carson because he did not like what was said as the Pray Breakfast and Dinesh De Souza whom he had jailed for donating to a Conservative against Hillary
the Stockmarket has been bought up by the FED and will Crash sometime 2015 along with the manipulated Real Estate which spiked up 25% in 1 year in S Calif.
On top of that Warren Buffett and Al Sharpton owe millions in Back Taxes that they do not have to pay acconding to the New Obama Admin

2) Obamas involvement with the Islamic Jihad will prevent him from opposing them as they have enought info on him to have him jailed>http://newzvids.com/fbi-informant-obama-supporting-islamic-jihad-tied-to-muslim-brotherhood/

Also he has released more Terrorist> Obama Releases Five More Gitmo Detainees in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack 
‪#‎tcot‬ http://t.co/o00iVKonSv

3) Racial Divide caused by Obama and Al Sharpton who owes $4.5 million in back taxes and continues the Ferguson Ohio Riots, 

4) Billionaire George Soros who had funded millions to the IRS to do audits on Conservatives,also the Occupy Movement and Ferguson Ohio movement to cause racial tension
5)the Illegals that Obama is allowing to enter the country with diseases and multiple children the hispancis from S American are taking over the US ...they refuse to control their parasiting and will not assimilate to the American Culture are coming in at 11 million per shot

Many more new laws everyday passed by this Narcissist, Bald Faced Liar and Master Manipulator Communist President that only own the 2nd Term By Cheating 1 million military Absentee Ballots not counted as they arrived 1 day late> God Bless the US and Please Protect your from Evil of this Admin the Opposite of my Conservative Capitalist Singapore the USA has a majority  Low info Libtard Drones that are Lazy like to Parasite and Destroying the USA

Monday, January 26, 2015

For Serial Killers and Rapist like the I 5 Intersate Killer and Terrorists

For the  I 5 Serial Killer who Raped and Killed about 44 innocent victims by shooting them after he was done in Singapore we have had No Serial Killers...if there was one he would have been either electricuted or hanged like they do with Drug Runners or Dealers... no Lethal Injection which is to comfortable...If a Rapists keeps on Raping he should be Caustrated...if he kills he should be killed not enjoying free food and lodging per the Tax Payers...the USA is like a Parallel Universe of Libertards compared to Singapore..After the killing spree they should protect the public and give a message to other Serial Killers that you will be excuted like you excuted the many others immediately with no trial ...the I 5 killer has been married 3 times and divorced twice while he was in Jail...these women are nuts...and the country is too Lenient ...
Like the way we handle Terrorist when they tried to Bomb some buildings in Singapore they were killed immediately to show that if you try to kill you will be killed immediately as you would not give anyone else a chance..and to the Terrorist we are more intent on Protection of our country and will have no leniency on YOU....KILL AND BE KILLED

Sunday, January 25, 2015

IS Suicide the Unforgivable Sin

My mother jumped off a building in Singapore to her death...In live she was a Great SDA Christian donated to the Youngburg Hospital, built the church baptisty and helped various people she also volunteered to teach law at the SDA college as she was a Cambridge Educated Lawyer who was in charge of Land and Titles for the Singapore govt...she was abusive to me and my brother as she was very much in pain per her incest with her brother...it was carried down her family line...she said it was a sin God could not forgive>God can forgive any sin and I found out about her incest after her death in letters to on of my deans in College..I do believe God looks at everything not just a mistake in the last moments of life.  The first Death is Life on Pause an the 2nd Death is Eternal...I do believe that she had regrets but with her electric shock treatment , her medication and my dad's numberous affairs it all was too much...I never held a grudge against her for all the canings as I was always looking out for her welfare...I believe in a Merciful and Loving God and do believe I will be her in the Clouds during the 2nd Coming of Christ xoxo

Saturday, January 24, 2015

American Sniper Chris Kyle >Good Legacy but Bad Judgement

Chris Kyle appears to be a Good Person considering all the trauma he went through...what he did not realize is that you cannot help someone who has PTSD and deranged...You have to be very careful like his wife said there are many with PTSD but ultimately their true Character comes out and his killer as a monster....When you are married with children its important not to put yourself in danger as you have a responsibility to your family....why would you meet a phsyco at a Shooting Range get yourself and your friend killed???  I would say very bad judgement and the Result is JUST SAD...THE MURDER NEEDS THE DEATH PENALITY WITHOUT A TRIAL >SINGAPOREAN STYLE NO LETHAL INJECTION >JUST ELECTRIC CHAIR OR HANGING

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hollywood and Southern Calif consumes great gorgeous guys comment on Greg Plitt and Paul Walker:>

A few Days ago Greg Plitt  workout cover model, actor and all around gorgeous guy tries to outrun a train and gets killed what was found was many caffeinated energy drinks ...Really can a human run towards a train and not get killed what about doing it not with a real train...Hollywood fantasy land makes you forget all reality.  Do not drink Whey Up as he consumed many before his death and his adrenals were spiked and judgement dimished...the persons that encourged him should be responsible and their conscience should kick in but of course most in Lost Angels are living where Satans angels live and have the most power...I am SO GLAD I LEFT THAT DELUSIONAL PLACE WHERE EVERYONE WANTS TO BE A STAR AND BE WORSHIPED...

And in 2013 actor Paul Walker>  Fast and the Furious gets killed in a Car Crash and he was not even driving..
Wow the reality of living in Hellhole Los Angeles is very Clear and Dangerous for you.
Think about it boys.

It is interesting this is happening to ARYAN Guys most and no Hispanics guess they are the majority and do not feel the need to prove themselves....

Monday, January 19, 2015


Selling Real Estate in Hawaii has been quite stressful when I sold my house in Kailua Oahu 2 blocks from Obama's Beach Compound it was a breakeven venture...as I should not have built the extension because I could have sold my house for about the same price if I did not add on as it was 2 blocks from the Ocean and that made it the High End of the Area...
Now on the Big Island I lost $100K on my Ranch and thank the Lord I sold it before the Hurricane and now the Lava Flow...and my Hilo House the buyers are gutless they want brand new and an inexpensive price and a good neighborhood or they do not make an offer...they come to you house and squat for an hour and do not make an offer...they make a verbal offer and renig...I leave it in God's Hand...Amen

How Loans are done in the Liberal Low Info Libtard State of Hawaii

No one wants to take responsibility for the late closing of my mortgage...the Hawaiian Buyer's Realtor is taking a vacation when he is supposed to get someone to do the survey for the Flood Insurance.   An Insurance that came into Play from Obama another way to Bleed Out the Public and tax the Live Out of Any Buyers...The Lazy,Laid Back Attitude of the Hawaiian Culture coupled with the nasty aggressive nature> he told my realtor that he was going to do it the HARD WAY AND HUNG UP ON HER...She should have known this is the Locomo way to doing things they attack if they make a mistake and you confront them....So the Lender is Blaming the Realtor who could loose his license for not disclosing the Flood Zone...Here is the email enjoy my book is to expose the truth to all the Hawaii is a 3rd World Country and Hellhole and Obama is welcome to say he is from there as I would totally like to distance myself.   As you can see there are many variables and no real Close Date....

Aloha Shelley,

I spoke with Julie this morning about providing an updated timeline for closing.  I’ve received responses back from both Deitra at First American and Tommy at State Farm to help come up with the timeline.

At this time, the lender is waiting on just the insurance binders to move towards closing.

IF the Clark’s and State Farm receive the elevation certificate by this Friday, the 7th, State Farm should be able to provide insurance binders by Monday the 10th.  We will submit them to the lender for review.  During their review process, they will contact the insurance agent to confirm coverages and such.  The lender requires 4 business days AFTER the last condition is signed off to get to closing.  So, if the lender reviews and signs off the insurance by Tuesday the 11th the earliest signing date would be Monday, August 17th.

First American will help in coordinating the out-of-state signing for Mr. Clark who is in Kansas.  Once signing is completed on the 17th, signed documents would be overnighted back to the Hilo office of First American Title.  We would expect them back by Wednesday the 19th, if not sooner.  Mrs. Clark, who is in Hilo, will then go in to sign her portion.  Depending on the time of day Mrs. Clark is available to sign, the lender will fund the loan either on Thursday the 20th or Friday the 21st for recording on Monday the 24th or Tuesday the 25th.

I realize that your seller does not want to do an extension and I understand.  But an extension will be needed to complete this last step of the process.  Mr. and Mrs. Clark were unaware that the property was in the flood zone when they put in the offer for the home.  They are doing what they can to get the necessary insurance required for this loan.  Elevation certificates typically take a few weeks but they have found a vendor who is supposed to get it done sooner than that.

If for some reason the elevation certificate is unavailable by this Friday, it will adjust the timeline.  We will address this again at that time.  A 15 day extension would bring recording date to 8/26.  We hope that although this isn’t the optimum result for the seller that she will agree to the extension in the contract.

Thank you and we look forward to closing this with you as soon as possible!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Living in BLUE Hawaii is NOT PARADISE (Coconut trees=Rats)

Well I thought it was going to be like Singapore used to be very clean and Tropical...Well not so between the incessant dog barking without control from the neighbors in Kailua Oahu ...for years having to call the police 52 times and take them to court and them retaliating with a Restraining Order for me screaming at their dog..  the Plucking chickens and Feral Cats fighting, the other nasty neighbor and his Hydrophonic Garden that was acutally breeding mosquitoes...the 2 neighbors tag teaming me and ultimately me winning but all the stress for 7 years took it toll and when Obama bought a $2 million beach plot 2 blocks away it was time to move to my 6 acre Ranch on the Big Island instead of that being ideallic and living next door to the Lava Tree State Park it was a Nightmare...My caretaker slashing the water pipes and trying to kill me ...it was the most humbling time in my Christian Experience...the Feral cats making the dogs bark and the mice living close as there is a waterfall 2 doors down, the green ,brown gecko lizard crappping in your house, the birds and cats in roof eaves...its the most unpleasant 3rd World Experience...and of course the Coqui frogs from PR that were brought in by Plants from Walmart, and the Red Ants from S American that make you have welts....Really its a pretty Place to visit but dealing with the Locals and the Critters is just to uncivilized for Me.  Coconut Trees equals RATS

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Interview with Cirsten Weldon

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Cirsten WeldonDesigner Cirsten Weldon gives us some insight on dating and living in beautiful Singapore
Cirsten you have worn many hats throughout your career, what are you most passionate about now?My first passion is God as I am a Second Generation Seventh Day Adventist like Prince, Brian McKnight, the Kelloggs , Salt, Little Richard and Dr Ben Carson....it is as close to the bible both Old and New Test as you can get and our heath message here is a great documentarydone about us by a non SDA.
I was a fashion designer and graduated from Loma Linda University at 18 from Singapore and designed clothes for "Addictions" on Sunset Plaza for Paula Abdul, Courtney Cox, Lisa Hartman....and of course Carrie Leigh(Hefs Ex) skimpy  little shirred number...which lead to my 
2nd Interior designer www.eurasiandesigns.com with now my own Rug Line for Indichcoll www.hawaiianrugs.com pics attached. Products by Eurasiandesigns.com FB Page
3rd Passion Acting and Spokesmodel. I was in the Doors for Oliver Stone love scene with Micheal Madison and Val Kilmer,Hard to Die, Lake Consequence for Zelman King and anything to do with the Playmates as we are family. You Devin are one of the top PMs Sweet, Kind, Wholesome and Down to Earth your Southern Comfort is so Attractive.
You are a dynamic Asian woman, tell us about your heritage and what you are doing to help your culture.I hate to sound Arrogant but I am Singaporean from South East Asia and our part of the world will be the only expanding in the next 10 years. China is tied up with the Borrowing from the US and as we know Americans love to live on credit. I buy everything CASH ALL MY HOMES... MY CARS... MY FURNITURE with of course the Designers Discount.  Our income tax is 3.2% for everyone, no unemployment, no homeless, no illegals, no crime, NO LITTER. My country is so safe you could walk down Orchard Rd with the multiple Cirsten WeldonPradas whose doors are large than the ones in NYC, the Gucci, Chanel and a virgin could walk down pass midnight and no one would touch her...we are against any drugs and if you are found with large amounts you could have a death sentence. Yes I thought I was a wild child but my Good Conservative Singaporean Roots have come back to Roost.  We also have the Central Provident Fund CPF that your employer pays about 1/3 of your salary towards and the Spore Govt matches that amount you can take out and draw on it anytime to buy a Govt or Private Condo...So Clean you could eat off the sidewalk and the Food is Out of this World ask Chef Anthony Bourdain. I miss home alot but do love Hawaii its a little like the Singapore of the 70s without the Great Food and men with long hair getting a forced haircut before they enter at Changi International per the 80s...We have more millionaires and Billionaires than Qatar> 11.8% in Singapore and the 3rd largest Port in the World and rented by England from Malaysia till we got our independence. We are the Switzerland of Asia and even FB Mark Zuckburg moved his $50 billion here and is a Singaporean Citizen. Singapore is made up of 65% Chinese,15% Malay(Muslim) 10% East Indian and 10% Caucasian NO Racial Riots and everyone is polite and speaks British English...the President is in charge every couple of years the Prime Minister Changes Chinese to Malay to Indian to Eurasian and they get paid $2 million much more than the US President as we do not want them to take bribes.  I am mostly Chinese have a little Malay and Irish...Eurasian girls by the ton there we have our own Supermodel me like Americans Next Top Model hosted by top Singaporean Supermodel winner of Fords model Search Charmaine Harn>She is Chinese and Swiss and a Good friend and Model for my Singaporean Perfume "Eurasian" made and sold a "Green" perfume  in Singapore.
I know you are into politics, what are your views on what's happening in our world today?We Chinese call America the Mountain of Gold its is not a mountain anymore with 2nd Term Bleed Out it has become a tiny mound. The Middle Class is almost non existent. I had to get out of  the movie business as there we so few Conservatives that thought like me as many had gone to Public School and Cirsten Weldonbeen Programmed to Give to the illegals the million of Parasites taking away our God Given Right of Choice....Illegal means not legal against the Law and they should not have any Right, Foodstamps, Heathcare, Cash for more babies Liberal US is opposite of Asia and like a Parallel Universe.
Los Angeles which I call Lost Angels has a Mayor that has affairs and goes from Photo Opt to Opt like the now Pres...the Liberal Media is everywhere and I am now so glad my parents sent me to Private School and College that helped shape my beliefs.  The Rampant Spending by the Politicians in Power in the WH is just insane...My friend Sen Stacey Campfield of Tenn is the ideal Good, young American Senator like Reagan. Love it.
Being a woman can sometimes be difficult if you are successful, has your success intimidated men?Dating when you are over 40 is Crazy...the Delusional men that have not taken stock of what they look like and what they have to offer when they hit on you> if you are unattractive and short you are not going to get the Playmate of the Year unless you are a Billionaire ...  yes and Devin FYI I dated Clayton Norcross who use to Played Thorne on the Bold and Beautiful pic enclosed and of course Jan Micheal Vincent in his good days and many famous men like Bill Cosby that I cannot mention but did LOLOL  I do not Date in Hawaii and since my father was Chairman of the Singapore Stock Exchange also owned a Stockbrokers company and now a hotel chain and my mom a lawyer in charge of land and titles its been hard to get their approval on anyone and they do not understand my blond,blue eyed fixation LOL. I plan to date up a storm in Tenn and NYC. My motto "I rather be alone than be with a Loser!"
What are the most misconceived notions that men have had about you?Men think because I am Asian that I am submissive but NOT SO on the movie set with Oliver Stone someone called me the Dragon Lady as I doubled my salary as I was only supposed to be topless and he wanted me nude >I negotiated the increase in various modes of Undress Playboy trained me for that.... Being Chinese and 5'8" and not into Asian Guys ...I guess my Daddy ingrained in me that I could always come home and I am glad I never had to...and still have not gotten my inheritance LOL...
I have owned homes in NYC, Singapore, New Zealand, Napa Valley, SF,LA and fipped them all as the Bible says you cannot take it with you. After a marriage and 10 year relationship I am recovered after 1 year and 3 months and ready to date. And I love Shy, Irish or German American guys that are easy going and kind ....Yes the Blond Addiction Continues.

Mr Bill Cosby I will always support you!!! as I have known you for 25 years YOU ARE GENTLEMAN

here are MY responses to various videos...I have known him for 25 years this is a feeding frenzy on him...he is a gentleman and I have known him personally and been out all over NYC with him and to his brownstone on 62nd st....Also was with another Chinese actress now on a Cable Show Tess Broussard that can support what I am saying as she was with me at his Brownstone as he taught me how to do comedy and timing...He never has offered me a drink LOLOL....I will always support him> that is MY REALITY I AGREE WITH HIS WIFE THIS RAPIST IS SOMEONE I DO NOT KNOW

The reason why they are doing this is because they are old and want to be Relevant ...

To Ms Chaney Hill>I have known Mr C for 25 years been out with him in NYC all over the Blue Note and Nell Carter Show and to his former 62nd St  Brownstone he never even offered me a drink much less drugged me he taught me comedic timing...He did tell me to loose weight so he can tell if you need to without having undress you as the camera adds 10 over pounds..

To Janice Dickenson>She is a sensationlist ..I am sure she requested all her pics blown up around where she was sitting...She has no credibility she spoke badly about Tyra Banks after Tyra put her on America's next model...if you take a pill then you are partly responsible, and I have know him for 25 years and been to his former Brownstone on 62 with another Chinese young actress now on a Comedy her name is Tess Boussard she will confirm it neither of us were drugged...He did not even offer me a drink...I have also been out with him in NYC to do the Nell Carter Radio Show and the Blue Note...Also he invited me and my friends a whole family the Hodgkins to the Konoctai Resort and made the day of the 13 year old by doing the show around them...this is like a feeding Frenzy on a Gentleman.

Janice Dickenson is a Sensationlist she is try to make herself Relevant after she has attacked Tyra Banks after being invited on the show..  She is so Fake and LOVES TO SELF PROMOTE...I HAVE KNOWN HIM PERSONALLY HE NEVER TRIED TO RAPE ME OR DRUG ME...SHE WROTE THE OPPOSITE IN HER BOOK ...
here are responses from other on Lowlife Janice Dickenson


2 weeks ago

very bad acting on Janice Dickinson at 2:00 "But i'm strong and i'm gonna stand on my own two feet and i'm gonna tell my side of the story and it's not gonna end here!" reaches out to give the interviewer a hug but the interviewer pulls back like "Bitch...get your thirsty lying ass the fuck up outta here!" even Stevie Wonder can see that she's lying lmao

She's a whore..and i usually don't use that term on women, but,she's a money-grubbing whore

it's so obvious!

Not a single tear shes lying

Also she needs to take some acting lessons
Fucking Crocodile Tears, such a lying bitch...>