Tuesday, June 30, 2015

American Greed both Liberal and Conservatives

First we have the 2nd Term Bleed Out Pres whose net worth in the USA jumped from $2 million to $22 million in just a few years>bribes?  then on to the Racist Reverand Al Sharpton who has not paid millions in back taxes but continues to encourage and live off the Racials Stive he helps Create more police shooting, more Black and White Discenssion... That all he does to make his millions...of course we also have Billionaire Warren Buffett who also owes millions in income tax and the IRS who works with Obama does not chase him down to pay it or put him in jail like they did Wesley Snipes.
On to the Conservative Traitors that have profited like Kentucky Republican majority leader Turtle Mitch McConnell who funded Obama in exchange for a $2 billion pork deal.  Most of his home state detests him as they know he sold out decades ago..and he even told a TN state senator to vote towards the middle so if there is a problem that they could blame Obama the same Obama they are getting deals from...also from Kentucky Ancient Hal Rodgers who blocked me on Twitter for exposing that he has a deal printing the IDs for illegals.
It is amazing Criminals are running the White House...the Criminals are rewarded and as in Chicago the Criminals have aresenals and the innocent have nothing to defend themselves.
I would say the worst is Lowlife Jonathan Gruber who wrote Obamacare to Bleed Out his fellow Americans ..and then called most Americans Stupid...Obama tried to distance himself from Gruber but the checks totally close to $500K from the White House speak for themselves..Tell Pat McCrory, Thom Tillis, and Phil Berger that they MUST return the $73.5 million Obamacare bribe!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Dr Tim Jennings on Gay Marriage>Gods Design Bless and Sacred as opposed to the Supreme Court

Given the Supreme Court Ruling this week on Gay Marriage, and the content of our newest DVD homosexuality in the Christian world on the third disc. It is likely some will ask us questions at our booth regarding our view of gay marriage ruling.

My recommendation if this happens:

  • It reveals perfectly the difference between God’s law and man’s law
  • States can pass laws to make marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol legal - they can never pass laws to make them healthy
  • States can pass laws regarding gay marriage, so that persons can enter into such relationships without fear of criminal prosecution, and to garner certain statutory rights (property inheritance, next of kin status etc), but states cannot pass laws to make something sacred, holy, blessed or healthy. (NOTE - WE ARE NOT commenting on whether gay marriages are or are not blessed holy sacred etc, only making the point that States are incapable of changing God’s law)
  • Thus, if someone acts in harmony with state laws but in violation of God’s law (adult who smokes) they are still damaged because they are out of harmony with God’s law, even though they are not criminal in the eyes of the state
  • So, if someone violates God’s moral law, they are spiritually unhealthy or damaged, regardless of what the state says.

I would recommend avoiding taking positions on questions of “do you think homosexuality is right” “do you think homosexuals should be allowed to attend school in our institutions” etc. etc. 

Take the position that our ministry is to introduce people to the God Jesus came to reveal so that in relationship with Him all defects of character, no matter what they are, can be healed.
for more from the author of the God Shaped Brain >Psychiatrist Dr Tim Jennings try www.comeandreason.com

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

the Golden State is a Welfare State >millions of illegals>Drought

The Golden State of Ca with so many resourses  If it were a country, California would be the 8th or 9th largest economy in the world[15] and the 34th most populous.  But the Liberals that Run it have now run it to the Ground!!  From Golden State to Illegal Hellhole and Welfare State.  The Illegals are the majority in Calif and they do not assimilate to the Culture.  So the working citizens are Leaving in droves>  Just LAST YEAR 4 MILLION HAVE LEFT INCLUDING INTEL ,ORACLE,NISSAN,TOYOTA>
in 2014 60 companies have left Ca for Tx>http://www.newsmax.com/Reagan/Companies-California-Texas-Perry/2014/04/04/id/563795/
Uhauls on a one way trip from Ca to Tx>https://www.aei.org/publication/the-california-exodus-to-texas-is-reflected-in-market-based-one-way-u-haul-truck-rental-prices/
Govenor Brown and the Unions and High Taxes have caused this and Calif with all its resourses and GREAT WEATHER IS SOON TO BECOME A WELFARE STATE.
NANCY PELOSI, BARBARA BOXER AND DAINE FIENSTEIN HAVE CATERED TO THE ILLEGALS AND PARASITES FOR  YEARS AND NOW THERE >they are now the Majority and their 5 to 8 children not paying taxes getting foodstamps and free heathcare and wiring their cash earnings back to their 3rd world countries..  When the Parasiting has become Rampant and the Hosts have left with the insane home prices and taxes now the Drought.

It is accurate that new infrastructure has not been built at levels they were before the 1980s. But that is not solely due to the influence of environmental groups or Democratic lawmakers. In fact, one landmark state legislation that established Wild and Scenic river designation in the North Coast was signed into law by then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan, who of course is a conservative icon. 
So from millions of illegals coming in >the drought>the refusal to build reservoirs and stopping the water to the farmers who are mostly Conservative making the price of a tomato $8 ...the Golden State has been brought to its knees by the Libtards the run it...hope the illegals do not choke Diane Feinstein when they run out of food!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Actors who are Republican and Conservative

Most of them cannot advertize the fact that they are Republican as that is almost a Bad Word in Hollywood who are mostly Low info Libard Obama Drones...Biggest Stars Vince Vaughn, Adam Sandler never advertize that they are conseverative except Vince Vaughn did say he was very against Gun Control..  Older ones Clint Eastwood,Jon Voight,Arnold Schwarzeneger whom have spoken out against Obama and Obamacare labelled as Senile and Old and Robert Duvall is old but Smart...also under the Rader Kelsey Grammer>Tim Allen and Patricia Heaton who has spoken out and been silenced.  Its nice to know Drew Carey, Jim Belushi,Danny Aiello, Dean Cain,Andy Garcia, Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell ,50 Cent Nicki Minaj...will be around to carry on...
From the Women Jaclyn Smith, Kathy Ireland who have made billions of dollars with their clothing and home Lines to Cindy Crawford who when she realized that Obama was a User and Balled Faced Liar switched from Obama to Mitt Romney in the last Election...
To the younger ones Jessica Simpson whose clothing and shoe line is outselling her Liberal Competitors >Jennifer Falvin whose skincare line is tops a QVC and HSN...
Also actresses Hunter Tylo,Sela Ward,Angie Harmon and Joan Rivers who was Amazing and never missed a Beat.  And Adam Baldwin who counteracts his brother Alec Balwin who is a Libtard  The most Famous Actor to Date The Rock Dwayne Johnson Conservative xoxo
To all the young and old who stand for the Constitution which is what is Right, working hard and not Parasiting who are not willing to support the illegals and their 8 to 12 children that do not assimlate to the American culture and expect the US to cater to them...To the Amazing Conservatives that I am part of at pledge my allegiance to God Bless America and what it stands for that we will never forget our Fellow Conservative xoxo