Friday, July 3, 2015

the Conferderate Flag and Gay Marraige Rights,Transgender...Everything White Washed and Changed by a President who is a master manipulator

Lets start with the TV Show the "Dukes of Hazzard" about Good Old Boys having fun in the South Starring John Schneider who is speaking out against TVLand for taking the show off the TV Land because it has the Confederate Flag...these people says its Racist because this insane white kids who murdered 9 in Charleston S Carolina >his Blog has a picture of a Confederate Flag >does that mean the Flag stands for Racist >No the Flag stands for a hundreds of thousands killed in the War Between North and South and there were many Black Slave Owners in the South that had Slaves and there were white Slaves...You Cannot Change History and you cannot please everyone.  To be politically correct in the US is like Walking on Eggshells
then we have the Gay Marraige which is now legal in every state and some are standing against the Supreme Court decision to quit their jobs in the honor of God>The employees of the Decatur County clerk’s office in west Tennessee have resigned from their positions.
Clerk Gwen Pope and employees Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler all said their resignations was due to the Supreme Court’s decision to allow same-sex marriages.
The decision reportedly clashes with the employees’ religious beliefs. Their last day will be July 14.s Currently, the Decatur County’s clerk office will not issue a same-sex license.  and the Clerk in Morehead KY was jailed because she refused to grant same sex marraige Certificates.
Just Wednesday, the Associated Press reported all 95 counties in Tennessee are following last week’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned bans on same-sex marriage. Clerks are legally allowed to refuse to perform the marriages, but must issue the licenses.

Then we have Bruce Jenner or Caitlin who is really going all out for his Transgender kids which I think is good but to Glorify it as something Great is not.  
   That is why I live in Tenn as its the Bible Belt and I feel Safe to know God is STILL IN CONTROL

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