'So many men over 40 many divorced have been through the wars, cannot differentiate between a bimbo and the trifecta(smart,wealthy,pretty). They prefer dating someone easy that is delivered to their front door as they are lazy...Most do not know how to groom themselves and have nothing to offer but think they deserve a Playmate or even the Playmate of the Year...When you are a pretty,wealthy and smart girl they do not know where to place you on their list...I have to say the worst of these many men are the ones that live in Southern Calif and have been ruined by the low caliber girls they date. A pretty Shell with nothing else to offer except their looks>they end up with Multiple Golddiggers and get Jaded .. Yes S Calif Guys mostly arrogant, entitled and feminine when you scream at them LOL.. Sad most but of course there are always exceptions to the Rule...The guys also if they are older want you to live in their world and be their beck and call girl and drop everything you have and move in with old and crusty LOL .#RuinedbySCa#Delusional S Calif Men > Every woman for themselves LOL here is a note from 1) Freak> be honest..im looking for long term. If in long term I want someone open to mfm. Not always and yes im straight but now and then like to see my woman with another guy. I don't mean to offend but I think its only fair to be honest early. Interested?.. Which means he wants a 3 way Long Term LOL he must really LOVE THE GIRL HE IS GOING TO ABUSE LONGTERM LOLO
2)Another freak from the Netherlands> Handsome guy from Netherlands emails me that he is as pretty as I am and in europe all men and women are equal that means like the Southern Calif Men he wants you to pay half and then have the opportunity or have sex with you later...I told him men are known for their earning Potential and Women for their Looks he could not compute that...Also he said for every beautiful Woman there is a man who is tired of f*cking her ...
3)Another Winner LOL>
5)this guy Pat very handsome and dumb>MMMMMMM awesome and you have a smooth looking butt LOL I'm a butt and leg Man
How was your day

If you want a high caliber girl the magic words are Investment Banker not Beach Bum and if you get rid of the Facial Hair and look clean that would be a Plus.
From my Bestie Fawna MacLaren Playboys 35 Anniversary Playmate and a recent widow>Oh girl, I really will not be surprised if I spend the rest of my life as a single woman. First of all, listening to them talk about themselves endlesssly, how great they are, what they have accomplished blah blah blah I could die, makes me want to make sure I have my "Life Alert" key chain alarm with me just in case I start slipping into a boredom coma.
Yes I find the men truly from So Cal are beyond the worst. They are capable of getting into a head on collision because they are checking their hair in the rear view mirror. I really think they are the most vain, worse than any women I have ever known > Well, since my husband passed, 2 1/2 years ago or more now and then with him being so ill. I have not had any physical relations whatsoever. This might be TMI, but not even with myself, I think it may be time to start looking at some toys. But I was on some dating sites for a short time, and after a not very long I really thought something is really wrong with this whole thing. The endless conversations. Good lord how much can anybody have to say about themselves. Yeah I like this and I like that, now what the fuck. You're in fucking Nebraska and I'm on the moon. Let's get together, then what???? Stupidest thing I have ever wasted my time on. Never ending job interview...UUUUUGGGGHHHHHH and I made some Skype dates, several actually. Ok, so we made a date, a time, right. So this, especially the first time you are going to meet, you want to look your best. It's like getting ready for a fucking date. I would , take a nice shower, pick out what I was going to where, to my hair and make up, get my desk area all set up. I can't tell you how many guys, forgot, never answered, never responded. I was hysterical. I spent so much time and energy plus the excitement of meeting this person. I could not do it any more. I am so happy these days running around in my sweats, looking like a slob and not giving a shit!!!!! Well, over the decades of feminism, and male and female equality, things have really gotten confused, on both sides of the sexes. I think where the pendulum has swung from one side to the other. It is starting to find it's center, in the hearts and souls of the sexes, but I am not so sure that the memo has reached everyone. I think there is still a lot of confusion as far as who is supposed to do what and what not to so as to not to offend. This is significantly weighted on the male side of the equation. The male role is to "do". And that role has ridden a roller coaster ride for decades. As far as the male role goes, does he, doesn't he, should he, shouldn't he. Who leans in for the first kiss, if he doesn't, ugg, what does that mean? If you do, what does mean?? Our minds are boggled with, this and that. What did that mean, what did that mean? As a women, sharing time with women from the time we were little girls. Dreaming of the love of our life to come, and as we waited for him, and the years went by and so did jerk after jerk after jerk. I saw my self and my gorgeous girlfriends turn into puppies in kennels at the dog pound. The longer they sat single, as every possible adoptive person came through the pound the more we all became"pick me, pick me , pick me pick me" That's a bad place to get to as a human being. When you have lost you're courage and strength to say I will be the one who picks you, it's time to turn things around. God bless everyone.....
AS for me being Asian>Just because you are wealthy do not expect me who is also wealthy also to drop everything I have and I own to move into your house> I am asian but Not a Mail Order Bride Coming from me a Singaporean the 2 worst locales to date men are S Calif and Bangkok where there are all the misfits of men that can get a wife to meet them at the door with their slippers even tho they have been abused by those men ar...So Sad that they think $20US is a lot of money LOL
Nice guys finish first in my book>1)Finally a nice guy that is not jaded a humble nice person that is honest>He writes. "Plus you're off the charts sexy and smart. Impressive. Me - I live in Sherman Oaks and I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with your lifestyle. If we lived closer Id gladly meet you. You're my type for sure. Enjoy your day!!! Frank
2)Yes you are a very pretty lady... hopefully someone will get to know you and connect with the beauty inside... because that is where it really counts.. our exterior shells all fade someday and it is what is inside that keeps the love and togetherness alive forever..
3) From a sweet guy that looks like Santa>
2)Another freak from the Netherlands> Handsome guy from Netherlands emails me that he is as pretty as I am and in europe all men and women are equal that means like the Southern Calif Men he wants you to pay half and then have the opportunity or have sex with you later...I told him men are known for their earning Potential and Women for their Looks he could not compute that...Also he said for every beautiful Woman there is a man who is tired of f*cking her ...
3)Another Winner LOL>
| |
Hi there ! You have very interesting profile ! What do you like to do in your spear time ? my response did you mean Spare time LOLOL I do not spear fish LOL and you seem to have a girlfriend on your facebook 4)A dirt sandwich from GA>This poor guy is dating way out of his league...He is not attractive, not wealthy and not smart ...as I say a duck should date a duck if a duck tries to date a Lioness he might get eaten>He really looks like a Product of Inbreeding....
Here is his email >Hey my name is Ted. Have you dated a country boy from Ga. Lol.. we are a whole new breed. And on top of that I'd like to think I'm the last of a dying breed that being the southern gentleman.
I'm 44 yrs old and live outside Macon Ga.
My Reponse>I have not dated any guys from Ga but I have a house in TN and if they are anything like the Dirt Sandwiches there I WILL PASS
9 hours ago
You know what they say butt men are freaks and boobs guys are normal LOLOL that scares me
that explains why you would be with a PR girl they are part black and have large butts LOL I am more built for the refined stockbroker or investment banker way more high class
6 hours ago

LOL yea she had a the biggest butt of anybody I have ever been with curvy though But I am a round softball size butt kindof guy
She way very sweet and that's what won me over
What are you doing today ?
She way very sweet and that's what won me over
What are you doing today ?
5 hours ago
selling my house and I am too smart to be sweet LOLOl
3 hours ago
I might be to mean for you LOL
Sorry I will be using that on you! I had a feeling this was not going to work out
I am smarter and richer than most guys and so I call the shots
Unless they are billionaire my tastes are expensive
You are very attractive I am sure you can find a girl that is nice, dummer than me and poorer so she does not expect too much
Yes simple guys have a simpler taste they are more insecure so they like to be in control
I want to get married and I do not see that for you and I have a super high IQ you need a girl that enjoys bikes I would be afraid they they might hurt my face and body
Insecure guys need nice girls they do not want a girl to tell them what to do

They waon;t hurt ya unless a crash which I
don't do
6)Handsome unresponder>Yes.....meat in china maybe dog n cat! ;) You're very elegant looking gal
This is an email from a handsome 47 guy from Trucker Ga
I responded thanks you are handsome yourself>>>>NO RESPONSE LOLOL
7)Sean on FB>I need to know your realtionship Status
Mind you he is disgusting and looks like a troll
Me>Wow you are a total Stranger and FB is not a dating service
Sean >I pay to win
Me:Get you head out of Disneyland and do not be delusional you are not attractive or wealthy
Sean>I know
8)on Dating Site> picture of a disgusting man with hair all over his body
Hi! I’m Steve. I’m a little submissive, but I saw your sexy picture and had to send you a message. Welcome to the weekend!
I do not look like a Dominatrix you are a freak!!!!!!!
don't do
6)Handsome unresponder>Yes.....meat in china maybe dog n cat! ;) You're very elegant looking gal
This is an email from a handsome 47 guy from Trucker Ga
I responded thanks you are handsome yourself>>>>NO RESPONSE LOLOL
7)Sean on FB>I need to know your realtionship Status
Mind you he is disgusting and looks like a troll
Me>Wow you are a total Stranger and FB is not a dating service
Sean >I pay to win
Me:Get you head out of Disneyland and do not be delusional you are not attractive or wealthy
Sean>I know
8)on Dating Site> picture of a disgusting man with hair all over his body
Hi! I’m Steve. I’m a little submissive, but I saw your sexy picture and had to send you a message. Welcome to the weekend!
I do not look like a Dominatrix you are a freak!!!!!!!
If you want a high caliber girl the magic words are Investment Banker not Beach Bum and if you get rid of the Facial Hair and look clean that would be a Plus.
From my Bestie Fawna MacLaren Playboys 35 Anniversary Playmate and a recent widow>Oh girl, I really will not be surprised if I spend the rest of my life as a single woman. First of all, listening to them talk about themselves endlesssly, how great they are, what they have accomplished blah blah blah I could die, makes me want to make sure I have my "Life Alert" key chain alarm with me just in case I start slipping into a boredom coma.
Yes I find the men truly from So Cal are beyond the worst. They are capable of getting into a head on collision because they are checking their hair in the rear view mirror. I really think they are the most vain, worse than any women I have ever known > Well, since my husband passed, 2 1/2 years ago or more now and then with him being so ill. I have not had any physical relations whatsoever. This might be TMI, but not even with myself, I think it may be time to start looking at some toys. But I was on some dating sites for a short time, and after a not very long I really thought something is really wrong with this whole thing. The endless conversations. Good lord how much can anybody have to say about themselves. Yeah I like this and I like that, now what the fuck. You're in fucking Nebraska and I'm on the moon. Let's get together, then what???? Stupidest thing I have ever wasted my time on. Never ending job interview...UUUUUGGGGHHHHHH and I made some Skype dates, several actually. Ok, so we made a date, a time, right. So this, especially the first time you are going to meet, you want to look your best. It's like getting ready for a fucking date. I would , take a nice shower, pick out what I was going to where, to my hair and make up, get my desk area all set up. I can't tell you how many guys, forgot, never answered, never responded. I was hysterical. I spent so much time and energy plus the excitement of meeting this person. I could not do it any more. I am so happy these days running around in my sweats, looking like a slob and not giving a shit!!!!! Well, over the decades of feminism, and male and female equality, things have really gotten confused, on both sides of the sexes. I think where the pendulum has swung from one side to the other. It is starting to find it's center, in the hearts and souls of the sexes, but I am not so sure that the memo has reached everyone. I think there is still a lot of confusion as far as who is supposed to do what and what not to so as to not to offend. This is significantly weighted on the male side of the equation. The male role is to "do". And that role has ridden a roller coaster ride for decades. As far as the male role goes, does he, doesn't he, should he, shouldn't he. Who leans in for the first kiss, if he doesn't, ugg, what does that mean? If you do, what does mean?? Our minds are boggled with, this and that. What did that mean, what did that mean? As a women, sharing time with women from the time we were little girls. Dreaming of the love of our life to come, and as we waited for him, and the years went by and so did jerk after jerk after jerk. I saw my self and my gorgeous girlfriends turn into puppies in kennels at the dog pound. The longer they sat single, as every possible adoptive person came through the pound the more we all became"pick me, pick me , pick me pick me" That's a bad place to get to as a human being. When you have lost you're courage and strength to say I will be the one who picks you, it's time to turn things around. God bless everyone.....
AS for me being Asian>Just because you are wealthy do not expect me who is also wealthy also to drop everything I have and I own to move into your house> I am asian but Not a Mail Order Bride Coming from me a Singaporean the 2 worst locales to date men are S Calif and Bangkok where there are all the misfits of men that can get a wife to meet them at the door with their slippers even tho they have been abused by those men ar...So Sad that they think $20US is a lot of money LOL
Nice guys finish first in my book>1)Finally a nice guy that is not jaded a humble nice person that is honest>He writes. "Plus you're off the charts sexy and smart. Impressive. Me - I live in Sherman Oaks and I'm not wealthy enough to keep up with your lifestyle. If we lived closer Id gladly meet you. You're my type for sure. Enjoy your day!!! Frank
2)Yes you are a very pretty lady... hopefully someone will get to know you and connect with the beauty inside... because that is where it really counts.. our exterior shells all fade someday and it is what is inside that keeps the love and togetherness alive forever..
3) From a sweet guy that looks like Santa>
- 4) a Nice Country Guy>I know hillbilly country guys like me do not get girls like you. I am what I am. Country and a product of my environment. LOL!!!! That doesnt mean I am not cultured though. I thought I might try anyway. How are you doing. Your pic popped up on that quick match thingy. Your picture was awful nice. Your profile and pics are awesome!!! :-) - Hope you like my profile and I hear back form ya. :-) Ben
Me I am so sorry I did nto realize that I had a ton of filtered messages...Down to Earth and Genuine are qualities of character that are to be admired xoxo
First and foremost the ones on FB the ones that live in England are by far the Nastiest and Most Delusional... they think that even tho they are digusting physically that they can reach out and date the Playmate of the Year and if you tell them FB is not a dating site they curse at you LOL ...
Then the Ones on Skype if you make the fatal mistake of putting your picture on there you will get tons of requests to add total stranger mostly millitary to your Skype contacts I have no admit I have never dated a millitary guy as most of them have PTSD due to whatever war they have been through...
Then we have the dating sites...if you block all the disgusting freaks and Dirty sandwiches by the time you get to the Good Ones you are burned out.. Then say you proceed to the next level and converse with a Good One for days on end...Suddenly he decides to stop for no reason??? Yes this is usually the Southern Calif guy...Very laid back and if you have the luck of meet one that is Conservative they are not like any other Conservatives on the USA. They are used to Gorgeous Girls throwing themselves at them but besides the looks the girl does not have a brain or and funds to usually even purchase a decent car...But in the mind formed in the early dating years there is always a gorgeous one around the corner for them...but will this girl stick around for the Long Haul >NO> she knows she has but a short time like the devil to hook someone wealthy as that lasts longer to her than a nice handsome guy...The Southern Calif guy who grew up there or has moved and has been living there for along time is spoiled and lazy and used to bimbo after bimbo...he will not exert for the Trifecta girl who is wealthy,smart and pretty because she is High Maintence. He cannot differenciate between the Bimbo and the Trifecta because he is used to just the pretty shell... When he is in his 50s and know he is getting older and wants to find a Great One when she arrives after a while the rules for not to seem to desperate come into play...They will not Go Out on a Limb to exert for the Woman of their dreams as its hard work...They want to be safe and expect her to be dropped off at their front door like a mail order bride...the High Caliber girl does not have time to wait and usually know that these S Calif men not all but most are Ruined...They want a real man not a S Calif which equals every woman for themselves...SAD most of these guys some really nice people will end up in an old folks home hitting on the young nurse...
Southern Men much more down to earth but you have to wade through a bunch of Dirt Sandwiches to get to a great One...Most are not polished or properly groomed wearing wife beater tank tops or shirtless LOL not much education and not attractive after you manage to wade through these and find a nice attractive one that is will to exert for you his is very busy out of town driving to other states making a living for his children which I admire ...but is there anytime for relationship? We will see as I am dating one right now.....
The East Coast Guy is the Dream but unfortunately with the severe weather do you want to live there? They are hunters and gathers and NYC has many Banker and Finance Guys that most high caliber girls look for >hint on a dating site do not put you are a Beach Bum that is not what women want to here...Even tho the High Caliber Woman(Trifecta) makes her own funds she does not want to support some man who can respect that? Yes to marry some weathy banker who has a huge mansion in the Hamptons , Jersey or Conn with the highest property taxes in the country might be good for a while but examine the longterm...As I am getting older each day I will let God decide whom is right for me and to have a more Self Sacrificing Love then the Addictive, Narcissistic Love between an Obsessed Couple...
To the men out there >Please do not be delusional a Duck should date a Duck not a Lioness as they might get eaten LOL
Decent Guys usually come with children, some are young and need attention...Others are out of the house and usually still need attention....HMMMM...It is like searching for a needle in a haystack ...Age Appropriate ,easy going, generous and not Jaded...the last one I had for 12 years had one too many hypnoptic sessions and the therpist died so there was no way to undo the Robotic Work and worked 7 days a week tho 10 times slower than I. He was a good guy but never appreciated me and after figuring out that he was diametrically opposed to me in Politics and voted for Obama twice that was the last straw> he said Obama paid him right away for installing his phone systems well with my tax dollars not his own funds...this showed me he was too brainwashed and his God given Common Sense was Gone> .SOME LOVES ARE IMPOSSIBLE BUT THEY ARE LOVES JUST THE SAME..
I had to dump him after 12 years as he was diametrically opposed to me in Politics and Religion and the Divide was getting larger but I wish him well as he is not on the same team...
Then the Ones on Skype if you make the fatal mistake of putting your picture on there you will get tons of requests to add total stranger mostly millitary to your Skype contacts I have no admit I have never dated a millitary guy as most of them have PTSD due to whatever war they have been through...
Then we have the dating sites...if you block all the disgusting freaks and Dirty sandwiches by the time you get to the Good Ones you are burned out.. Then say you proceed to the next level and converse with a Good One for days on end...Suddenly he decides to stop for no reason??? Yes this is usually the Southern Calif guy...Very laid back and if you have the luck of meet one that is Conservative they are not like any other Conservatives on the USA. They are used to Gorgeous Girls throwing themselves at them but besides the looks the girl does not have a brain or and funds to usually even purchase a decent car...But in the mind formed in the early dating years there is always a gorgeous one around the corner for them...but will this girl stick around for the Long Haul >NO> she knows she has but a short time like the devil to hook someone wealthy as that lasts longer to her than a nice handsome guy...The Southern Calif guy who grew up there or has moved and has been living there for along time is spoiled and lazy and used to bimbo after bimbo...he will not exert for the Trifecta girl who is wealthy,smart and pretty because she is High Maintence. He cannot differenciate between the Bimbo and the Trifecta because he is used to just the pretty shell... When he is in his 50s and know he is getting older and wants to find a Great One when she arrives after a while the rules for not to seem to desperate come into play...They will not Go Out on a Limb to exert for the Woman of their dreams as its hard work...They want to be safe and expect her to be dropped off at their front door like a mail order bride...the High Caliber girl does not have time to wait and usually know that these S Calif men not all but most are Ruined...They want a real man not a S Calif which equals every woman for themselves...SAD most of these guys some really nice people will end up in an old folks home hitting on the young nurse...
Southern Men much more down to earth but you have to wade through a bunch of Dirt Sandwiches to get to a great One...Most are not polished or properly groomed wearing wife beater tank tops or shirtless LOL not much education and not attractive after you manage to wade through these and find a nice attractive one that is will to exert for you his is very busy out of town driving to other states making a living for his children which I admire ...but is there anytime for relationship? We will see as I am dating one right now.....
The East Coast Guy is the Dream but unfortunately with the severe weather do you want to live there? They are hunters and gathers and NYC has many Banker and Finance Guys that most high caliber girls look for >hint on a dating site do not put you are a Beach Bum that is not what women want to here...Even tho the High Caliber Woman(Trifecta) makes her own funds she does not want to support some man who can respect that? Yes to marry some weathy banker who has a huge mansion in the Hamptons , Jersey or Conn with the highest property taxes in the country might be good for a while but examine the longterm...As I am getting older each day I will let God decide whom is right for me and to have a more Self Sacrificing Love then the Addictive, Narcissistic Love between an Obsessed Couple...
To the men out there >Please do not be delusional a Duck should date a Duck not a Lioness as they might get eaten LOL
Decent Guys usually come with children, some are young and need attention...Others are out of the house and usually still need attention....HMMMM...It is like searching for a needle in a haystack ...Age Appropriate ,easy going, generous and not Jaded...the last one I had for 12 years had one too many hypnoptic sessions and the therpist died so there was no way to undo the Robotic Work and worked 7 days a week tho 10 times slower than I. He was a good guy but never appreciated me and after figuring out that he was diametrically opposed to me in Politics and voted for Obama twice that was the last straw> he said Obama paid him right away for installing his phone systems well with my tax dollars not his own funds...this showed me he was too brainwashed and his God given Common Sense was Gone> .SOME LOVES ARE IMPOSSIBLE BUT THEY ARE LOVES JUST THE SAME..
I had to dump him after 12 years as he was diametrically opposed to me in Politics and Religion and the Divide was getting larger but I wish him well as he is not on the same team...
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